Academic Staff Retirees

Galip ÖZEN

Galip ÖZEN

After graduation from Galatasaray High School, he took the first in an exam organized by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration and won scholarship of Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany. Then, between years of 1941 and 1952, he worked as an engineer in Etibank Zonguldak Ereğli Coal Mine and became manager of Etude Facility. Between 1952 and 1979, he worked in engineering, management and consultancy positions in private sector and his own companies. He joined founding team of Faculty of Mines of Istanbul Technical University in 1954. He worked as instructer untill 1974. 




He graduated from Freiberg Mining Academy in Germany. He carried out oil explorations between 1941 and 1945 for General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration. Then, he started to work in private sector and worked in companies that he founded and he was one of partners. He joined founding team of Faculty of Mines of Istanbul Technical University. He worked as instructer untill 1977. He worked as general secretary of Turkish Miners Association between 1972 and 1990. He was one of the founders of Turkish Mining Development Foundation. 




He was born in Istanbul in 1919. After graduation from Saint-Joseph, he started his mathematics education in France as one of the students that Atatürk sent abroad for education. In 1939, due to Second World War, he entered Mining Department in Columbia University. After completing his education for master degree, he returned Turkey. He started to work in Zonguldak Ereğli Coal Mine as Mining Engineer. He returned Istanbul in 1960 and he worked as instructer in ITU untill 1974.



Hüseyin Kulaksız2

He was born in 1911 in Tirebolu. Due to his success in exam organized by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, he was sent to France. Due to Second World War, he sent to USA in 1939. He graduated from Columbia University in 1941 and he took master degree in 1942 in same school. Between years of 1942 and 1960, he worked in Ereğli Coal Mine, Kandilli and Ögelman Chrome Mining Company. He lectured underground mining and underground survey between 1963 and 1980. 


Halit Fethi ÇORLUHAN

Halit Fethi Çorluhan2

He was born in 1919 in Adana. He completed his undergraduate  and graduate education at Columbia University. He started to work in GLİ(Western Lignite Works) in 1943. He worked in Faculty of Mines of Istanbul Technical University between 1963 and 1982.  


Mehmet Yavuz FINDIKGİL

Mehmet Yavuz Fındıkgil2

He was born in 1917 in Istanbul. He completed his undergraduate education at Faculty of Law of  Istanbul University in 1938. After working in different cities in Turkey as prosecutor and judge, he started to work in Faculty of Mines in 1956. He had given lectures concerning mining law, oil law and business law for 45 years. In the same period, he worked as an advocate and consultant of law. He retired in 1980. 


Prof. Dr. Cemal BİRÖN

Prof. Dr. Cemal Birön

He was born in 1919 in Istanbul. Due to his success in exam organized by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, he was sent to France. Due to Second World War, he was sent to USA in 1939, Montana Mining Engineering School. He completed his graduate education at Utah University in 1944. After his return to Turkey in same year, he started to work in Ereğli Coal Mines. He gained doctoral degree from Durham University.  He became associate professor in 1962 and professor in 1971. He retired in 1986.



Prof. Dr. Senai SALTOĞLU

Prof. Dr. Senai Saltoğlu

Senai Saltoğlu was born in 1934. He graduated from ITU, Faculty of Mines in 1958. He gained title of "Doctor" at Institute of Bergbauforschung in 1965. He worked as an assistant at ITU, Department of Mining Engineering between 1959 and 1965. In the following years, he worked as assistant professor between 1965 and 1971, as associate professor between 1971 and 1977, then as professor between 1977 and 2001. During his work life, he participated in many scientific and industrial projects as well as in administrative positions.


Prof. Dr. Erdil AYVAZOĞLU

Prof. Dr. Erdil Ayvazoğlu

He was born in 1935. He graduated from Faculty of Mines at ITU in 1959. Then, he started to work as assistant with his Ph.D. studies in 1969 and he completed his education in 1973. After this period, he visited National Coal Board's laboratories and coal mines in England. He gained associate professor title in 1979 and professor title in 1989. He retired in 2002. Erdil Ayvazoğlu who was husband and father of two children was passed away in 2020.


Prof. Dr. Şinasi ESKİKAYA

Prof. Dr. Şinasi Eskikaya

Şinasi Eskikaya was born in March 9, 1935. He graduated from Faculty of Mines in 1961. Then, he had worked as drilling engineer at State Hydraulic Works for a year. In 1964, he started to work in Faculty of Mines as a research assistant. He studied in Department of Mining Engineering at Newcastle University between 1966 and 1970. He received associate professor title in 1976 and professor title in 1980. He conducted two projects supported by TÜBiTAK, one project supported by NATO and numerous industrial projects. Also, he translated two books from German language and has editorship of 6 books. In addition to these, he wrote many articles and conference papers. He was vice president of ITU Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology between 1987 and 1988. Then, he was assigned as Dean for two terms between 1991 and 1997. He retired in 2002.


Prof. Dr. Ergin ARIOĞLU

Prof. Dr. Ergin Arıoğlu

Ergin Arıoğlu was born in 1947. In 1969, he graduated from ITU, Faculty of Mines. Then, he completed his doctorate at Newcastle upon Tyne University, Department of Mining Engineering. In 1982, he became associate professor and in 1988, he received professor title. He wrote articles and conference papers more than 250 and wrote 18 books. Most of his studies are related to shotcrete, concrete properties, its mixture design, earthquakes etc. He is member of International Bureau of Strata Mechanics. He gained best article rewards in 1994, 1996 and 1999 from Turkish Precast Concrete Association. Besides, he wroted more than 80 newspaper articles on social matters. He retired in 2000 and continued his studies at Research and Development Department of Yapı Merkezi Holding.


Prof. Dr. Tayfun EVERGEN

Prof. Dr. Tayfun Evergen

Tayfun Evergen was born in 1940. He graduated from ITU, Faculty of Mines in 1966. He worked in Etibank Eastern Chrome Works(Elazığ) between 1966 and 1968, Etibank Halıköy Mercury Works (İzmir) between 1970 and 1972. Then, he stated to work in Faculty of Mines in 1972 as research assistant. He completed his doctorate in 1978. He received titles of assistant professor in 1982 and associate professor in 1982 and professor in 1996. He retired in 1999.


Prof. Dr. Nuh BİLGİN 
 nuh bilgin

Nuh Bilgin graduated from the Mining Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University (ITU). Later he accomplished his PhD studies in the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK in 1977 on “Mechanical Cutting Characteristics of Some Medium and High Strength Rocks.” He joined the Mining Engineering Department of ITU in 1978. He was appointed as a full time professor in 1989. He spent one year in the Colorado School of Mines, USA, and one year in Witwatersrand University, SA as a visiting professor. He has published more than a hundred papers on mechanized mining and tunneling technologies. He is currently retired and working as a private consultant on tunneling and mechanical excavation. He is also chairman of the Turkish Tunnelling Society.


Prof. Dr. Orhan KURAL
orhankural vesikalık
Orhan Kural was born in İstanbul in 1950. He graduated from Mining Department at Istanbul Technical University in 1972. He received title of mining engineer msc in 1973 at New York Columbia University and he was appointed as research assistant to join ITU, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Mines and Mining Machinery Chair. In 1978, he received the title of doctor in the field of coal chemistry. In 1981, he earned DAAD scholarship and perform researches on coal briquetting in Aachen Technical University for fourteen months. He received titles of assocciate professor in 1983 and professor in 1989. He published approximately 50 articles in different languages concerning coal utilization and briquetting. He is editor of three books in matter of coal.


Prof. Dr. Gündüz ÖKTEN
Gündüz Ökten was born in 1951. He graduated from ITU, Faculty of Mines in 1973. He gained master's degree in 1975, then, competed his doctorate in 1983. He received assistant professor title in 1987. Then, he became associte professor in 1990 and professor in 1997. He studied mine ventilation,  gas and coal dust explosion, mine fires and occupational health and safety. He retired in 2018.


Prof. Dr. Sabri Erkin NASUF
erkin nasuf vesikalık

S. Erkin Nasuf was born on December, 7th 1951 in Eskisehir, Turkey. He was graduated from the Mining Enginering Department of ITU Engineering Faculty in 1972. After he graduated he went to University of Strathclyde University, Scotland from which he completed his PhD study in 1977.  He then came back and joined to ITU Mining Faculty in 1977.  He was given Asistant Associate Professor degree in 1982, Asssociate Professor  Degree in 1983 and  Professor  Degree in 1989 respectively. He went to University of Virginia Polytechnical Institute between 1984-1985 as a Visiting Research Professor in order to do some reserach on Computer Applications in Mining Industry. He was the Associate Dean of Mining Faculty between 1996-2000. He also attended as a Vice President of the Istanbul Tecnical University, responsible for the Student and International Affairs, between 2004 -2008. He again went to  University of  Missouri Science and Technology, USA Rolla MO between  2014-2015 as a Research Professor this time to do a research work on Mine Planning.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail Uğur

ismailugur vesikalık

İsmail Uğur graduated from ITU, Faculty of Mines in 1973. Then he completed his doctorate at Rheinische Westfaelische Tech. Hochschule-Aachen. He studied mining machinary, mineral economics and mine transportation. 

Prof. Dr. Tayfun EVERGEN

Prof. Dr. Tayfun Evergen

1940 yılında İstanbul’da doğmuştur. Orta öğrenimini Saint Joeseph Fransız Erkek Lisesi’nde 1952 – 1960 yılları arasında yapmıştır. İTÜ Maden Fakültesi, Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü’nde 1961 – 1966 yılları arasında eğitimini tamamlamıştır. Çalıştığı kurumlar sırayla 1966 – 1968 Etibank Şark Kromları İşletmesi (Alacakaya, ELAZIĞ) ve 1970 – 1972 Etibank Halıköy Civa İşletmesi (Ödemiş, İZMİR) olmuştur. 30.11.1972 tarihinde, İTÜ Maden Fakültesi, Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü’nde asistan olarak göreve başlamıştır. "Etibank Seydişehir Mortaş Açık işletmesi Ateşleme Sisteminin Etüdü" konulu doktora çalışmasını 1978 yılında tamamlamıştır. 1982 yılında yardımcı doçent, 1992 yılında doçent ve 1996 yılında profesör unvanlarını almıştır. 1999 yılında emekli olmuştur. İyi derecede Fransızca bilmektedir. Evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.

Dr. Engineer Turgay DİNÇER

Dr. Mühendis Turgay Dinçer

Turgay Dinçer was born in 1956. He graduated from Faculty of Mines in 1981. He started to work at Department of Mining Engineering in 1983 as engineer. He gained master's degree in 1991 and completed his doctorate in 1999. He retired in 2007.