
1953 bölüm logosu

Department was founded in 1953 and the education was started at the same year with the cooperation of different universities from Germany and Austria. 2900 students have graduated from the Department of Mining Engineering since then. 

The head of the department between 1982 – 1986 : Prof. Dr. Cemal BIRON

The head of the department between 1986 – 1998 : Prof. Dr. Senai SALTOGLU

The head of the department 1998 – 2004 : Prof. Dr. Nuh BILGIN

The head of the department 2004 – 2007 : Prof. Dr. Guven ONAL

The head of the department 2007 – 2009. : Prof. Dr. Gunduz OKTEN

The head of the department 2009 – 2017 : Prof. Dr. Orhan KURAL

The head of the department 2017 – cont. : Prof. Dr. Hanifi ÇOPUR


A memory from 1982


Picture taken before a sportive activity at 1965