Advanced Mechanical Excavation Technology Laboratoy

Portable linear cutting machine(PLCM) developed in scope of Tubitak project having number of 112M859 is utilized to determine excavation equipment selection, design and performance estimation. Without the need to large rock blocks, this equipment is able to perform experiments on small rock blocks and cores. Cutting tests with different cutters(V, CCS and conical cutters) can be performed. By using this set, in order to determine optimum values of cutting head design and performance estimation, significant parameters such as spacing of cutters, cutting depth can be adjusted easily and optimum excavation conditions can be specified. This developed set is sold to “National Technical University of Athens, School of Mining Engineering & Metallurgy, Greece” and “Universit of New South Wales, School of Mining Engineeering UNSW Sydney, Australia".
Laboratory Manager:
Prof.Dr. Cemal Balcı